EU, alliance between Agriculture and agri-food industry

“Today there is a great alliance between agriculture and Agri-food industry”. Paul De Castro announces, First Vice-President of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee, that “the future EU Directive against unfair practices in the agri-food chain has ‘ created ‘ the ideal conditions for favouring a strategic agreement Between the parties. Thus, the primary sector provides agricultural products on the basis of the high standards required, obtaining guaranteed prices on a multiannual basis and exceeding production costs, while the processing sector can rely on a secure supply of Produced in quality and quantity. Both sides benefit from all European consumers. ‘

In order to establish and reiterate this alliance, the Copa-Cogeca and FoodDrinkEurope-the actors of the European agri-food sector-gathered at the European Parliament’s seat in Brussels. Under the direction of De Castro, four examples of successful partnerships were presented: from ‘ Terra Creta ‘ in Greece and its oil of excellence, to the agreements between cereal growers and bakers in Latvia, from the Danish cooperative models to the ‘ Hazel Italy ‘ programme Made by Ferrero. ‘ ‘ Also in the wake of what has been achieved in recent months by the Italy project chain, now-says MEP Pd-there is an opportunity to strengthen the links between agriculture and industry laying the foundations for a European strategy that builds agreements to ensure Fair prices and, above all, to generate income for our farmers. ”

“This alliance-concludes De Castro-demonstrates how when our food system succeeds in making a team, it becomes a fundamental engine for a more equitable, transparent and efficient chain.”

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